Baked in a Pie

Sing a Song of Sixpence.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Yes, I still read her magazines.

Perusing through the Martha Stewart (Mah-tha. Maah-tha.) mag, I found a small ad for Gramma's Cutters.

I love cookies cutters, and theirs are definitely of the old school variety.
They don't have many, and what they do have are mostly variations on Santa Claus.
I really liked their garden set. I would get the 'special days' set just for the indian, although I'm not sure how a head signifies a special day.

Perhaps someone can answer that for me.

I really like cookie cutters.
I don't even make cookies that often, and those that I do (remind me to share my choco choco chip recipe) don't require cutters.
But I can't help myself when it comes to collection kitchen kitsch.
And these aren't that expensive, compared to some of the old copper ones I've found.

They share recipes, too. Recipes that probably work best with their molds.
I have a cookie press that has a specific spritz recipe that works the best with it.

So, go. See if you can't be tempted by the Jolly days set.



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